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U.S. Army Special Operations
Welcome to the ARSOF History article page.
Please select a branch to see associated content.
WWII, Special Forces, Legacy
Aquatic Pioneer
WWII, Rangers
The Charlie Company, 2nd Ranger Bn, Landing on OMAHA Beach
WWII, Rangers
USASOC leadership visits Normandy to participate in the commemoration of the 79th anniversary of D-Day
WWII, Rangers
WWII, Special Forces, Legacy
WWII, Rangers
WWII, Special Forces, Psyop
WWII, Legacy
The Palawan Massacre
WWII, Civil Affairs
The Three Wars of COL Charles R. Munske
WWII, Civil Affairs
WWII, Legacy
The WWII service of Psywarrior Elizabeth McIntosh
WWII, Rangers
Commando & Ranger Training, Part I
Preparing America’s Soldiers for War
WWII, Rangers
Commando & Ranger Training, Part II
Preparing America’s Soldiers for War
WWII, Special Forces, Rangers
Commando & Ranger Training, Part III
Forging Junior Leaders to Toughen Men to Win in Combat
The Rescue of Benito Mussolini
WWII, Legacy
Service in Three WWII Special Operations Units
WWII, Legacy
Advisor to the Philippine Guerrillas
WWII, Rangers
The MARS Task Force
WWII, Legacy
WWII, ARSOF Aviation
The 528th Sustainment Brigade
WWII, Rangers
The 5th Ranger battalion in the European Theater
WWII, Special Forces, Legacy
“Wars should be fought in better country than this”
The First Special Service Force in the Italian Mountains
WWII, Rangers
The 2nd Rangers Fight Through Europe
WWII, Legacy
An OSS Combined Operation in the Indian Ocean
WWII, Legacy
Documents forged for 2LT Herbert R. Brucker
WWII, Rangers
WWII, Special Forces
World War II Guerrilla Leader & Special Operations Plank Holder
WWII, Legacy
OSS Detachment 101 in the Myitkyina Campaign, Part II
WWII, Rangers, Legacy
Allied Long Range Penetration Groups for Burma
The Chindits, the Marauders, and the MARS Task Force
WWII, Psyop
Nazi Art, Adolf Hitler, and the Cult of Personality
WWII, Legacy
First Special Service Force, Kiska Campaign
WWII, Legacy
Air Support in the Burma Campaign
WWII, Special Forces
A PW Escape in WWII
WWII, Legacy
OSS Detachment 101 in the Myitkina Campaign, Part I
WWII, Legacy
The Ultimate Airborne Test
WWII, Special Forces, Civil Affairs, Psyop
A History of Training
WWII, Legacy
Major Herbert R. Brucker, SF Pioneer, Part IV
SO Team HERMIT in France
WWII, Legacy
A Primer on the Special Operations Branches and Detachments of the Office of Strategic Services
WWII, Special Forces
WWII, Special Forces
History and Origins
WWII, Special Forces
WWII, Legacy
Operations in Southeast Asia
WWII, Legacy
“We Badly Needed Something to Do”
Glider Jumping at Camp Mackall, 1943
WWII, Legacy
Major Herbert R. Brucker, SF Pioneer, Part III
SOE Training & “Team HERMIT” into France
WWII, Special Forces
Home of ARSOF Underwater Operations
WWII, Legacy
OSS Logostics Support to Special Operations in Europe
WWII, Rangers
Part II, Sicily and Italy
WWII, Special Forces, Legacy, ARSOF Support
Unique Support for a Unique Unit
The Service Battalion of the First Special Service Force
WWII, Legacy
The Failures of Detachment 101 and its Evolution into a Combined Arms Team
WWII, Legacy
Herbert R. Brucker, SF Pioneer, Part II
Pre-WWII–OSS Training 1943
WWII, Rangers
Part I, The Formation and Early Days
WWII, Special Forces
WWII, Legacy
Major Herbert R. Brucker, SF Pioneer, Part I
SOE France, OSS Burma and China, 10th SFG, SF Instructor, 77th SFG, Laos, and Vietnam
WWII, Legacy
WWII, Legacy-sup
The 112th (Special Operations) Signal Battalion in World War II
WWII, Rangers
The 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional)
WWII, Rangers
The Battle of Myitkyina
WWII, Legacy
WWII, Legacy
A First Special Force Soldier's Short-lived POW Experience
WWII, Special Forces
WWII, Special Forces
WWII, Legacy
The 612th and 613th Field Artillery Battalions (Pack) in Burma
WWII, Special Forces, Rangers
WWII, Special Forces
Major General Robert T. Frederick
WWII, Rangers
Distinctive Unit Insignia
Korean War, Special Forces
The Evolution of the Special Forces (SF) Operational Detachment-Alpha (ODA)
Korean War
From “irregular warfare” to Irregular Warfare
History of a Term
Korean War, Civil Affairs
The Three Wars of COL Charles R. Munske
Korean War, Psyop
Voice of the U.S. and Aggressors
The 2nd Loudspeaker & Leaflet Company
Korean War, Rangers
Look Sharp, Be Sharp, Stay Sharp
Korean War, Legacy
No Lessons Learned
Korean War, Special Forces, Legacy
Korean War, Special Forces, Legacy
The Combined Command for Reconnaissance Activities, Korea
Korean War, Special Forces
Army SF Soldiers in Korea, 1953-1955
Korean War, Legacy
Korean War, Legacy
The Special Warfare Campaign at the End of the Korean War
Korean War, Legacy
Culture, Language & SPECIAL OPS
Recruiting & Training “TURNCOAT” Agents in Korea
Korean War, Legacy
Korea, 1951-1953
Korean War, Legacy
Korea, 1951-1953
Korean War, Legacy
Korea, 1950-1951
Korean War, Legacy
West Coast Aircrew Recovery and the Guerrilla-Held Islands
Korean War, Legacy
Korean War, Legacy
Korean War, Legacy
Korean War, Legacy
Korean War, Special Forces, Psyop
Colonel Charles H. Karlstad
Korean War, Legacy
An Introduction to Veritas Vol. 8, No. 2
Korean War, Special Forces, Legacy
Creating an Army Guerrilla Command
The First Six Months, Part 1
Korean War, Special Forces, Legacy
Operating Behind Enemy Lines in the Korean War
Korean War, Special Forces, Legacy
The Challenges of Guerrilla Warfare on the Korean East Coast, 1951-1953
Korean War, Special Forces
Line-Crossers, Special Forces, and the "Forgotten War"
Korean War, Legacy
Facets of the U.S. Army Guerrilla Commands in Korea
A Photographic Overview
Korean War, Legacy
Soldier, Leader, Trainer
Korean War, Legacy
The Origins of the North Korean Anti-Communist Guerrillas, 1945-1950
Korean War, Psyop
A Matter of Adjustment
Korean War, Psyop
Korean War, Psyop
“The Voice of South Korea.”
Korean War, Psyop
Joseph E. Dabney
Korean War, Psyop
The 4th MRBC Antenna Riggers
Korean War, Psyop
Korean War, Psyop
Strategic Psywar 1952: UN Psywar Aligns with Allied Bombing Campaign in Korea
Korean War, Psyop
Contrasts in Independence, March 1st and Plan PATRIOT
Korean War, Psyop
FEAF’s Humanitarian Bombing Campaign in Korea
Korean War, Psyop
Making Psywar a Career
Korean War, Psyop
We’re Asking the Reds to SURRENDER-PLEASE!
Collier’s, 13 December 1952
Korean War, Psyop
Creation of the 10th Special Forces Group
Korean War, Psyop
An Introduction
Korean War, Psyop
Radio Tokyo, VUNC, and KBS
Korean War, Psyop
The Psychological Warfare Division, the Office of the Chief of Psychological Warfare, and the Psywar School at Fort Riley, 1950-1951
Korean War, Psyop
Korean War, Psyop
Korean War, Psyop
Korean War, Psyop
Harris Presses & Psywar Leaflets
The 3rd Reproduction Company, 1st Radio Broadcasting & Leaflet Group
Korean War, Civil Affairs
Same Organization, Four Different Names
U.S. Army Civil Affairs in Korea 1950-1953
Korean War, Civil Affairs
U.S. Army Psychological Warfare and Civil Affairs in the Korean War
Korean War, Psyop
1st Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet (1st RB&L) Group Products for Korea
The J. B. Haynes Leaflet Collection
Korean War, Psyop
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Korean War, Civil Affairs
The Refugee Evacuation from Hungnam
9-24 December 1950
Korean War, Psyop
Korean War, Psyop
1st Radio Broadcasting & Leaflet Group
Korean War, Psyop
A Photographer’s Record
Korean War, Psyop
Birth of the Psywar Center, Part I
Korean War, Rangers
The Ranger Infantry Companies in Korea
Korean War, Rangers
Ranger Edmund J. Dubrueil, 1st Ranger Company
Korean War, Rangers
2nd Ranger Infantry Company on Hill 581
Korean War, Rangers
The 2nd Ranger Infantry Company
“Buffaloes” in Korea, 29 December 1950-19 May 1951
Korean War, Rangers
“Travel Light and Freeze at Night”
The 5th Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne) in Korea
Korean War, Legacy
Korean War, Rangers
The Ranger Infantry Companies in Korea
Korean War, Rangers
“Black Devils” on Hill 628
Korean War, Rangers
The 3rd Ranger Infantry Company
Korean War, Rangers
The 4th Ranger Infantry Company and the Hwachon Dam
Korean War, Rangers
Korean War
Sailor, Veteran, Artist, Patriot
Korean War, Legacy
Three Combat Forces
Korean War, Legacy
Wonsan to Chang-to
Korean War, Rangers
First in Korea
Korean War, Legacy
War in the Land of the Morning Calm
The Korean War
Korean War, Psyop
Loudspeaker Psywar in Korea
Korean War, Civil Affairs
BG Crawford F. Sams, U.S. Army Medical Corps
Korean War, Civil Affairs
UN Civil Assistance, Chinnamp'o, North Korea
Korean War, Civil Affairs
Korean War, Legacy
Early Special Operations in the Korean War
Korean War, Rangers, Legacy
Order of Battle of the UN and Chinese Communist Forces in Korea
Korean War, Legacy
The Ivanhoe Security Force in Korea
Korean War, Psyop
Korean War, Psyop
A Clearer View of Psywar at Fort Riley & Fort Bragg
Korean War, Psyop
Background to A Clearer View of Psywar at Fort Riley & Fort Bragg
Korean War
A History of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School Insignia
Korean War, Special Forces
Special Forces Soldiers in the Korean War
Korean War, Psyop
1st Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Group Conducts PSYWAR in Korea, Pt II
Korean War, Psyop
Strategic PSYWAR in the Far East Part I: Introduction and Movement to the Far East
Korean War
The Colombian Navy in Korea, 1951-1955
Korean War, Legacy
Barbula and Old Baldy, March 1953
Colombia’s Heaviest Combat in Korea
Korean War, Special Forces
Special Forces and Line Crossers in the Korean War
Korean War, Legacy
JACK Maritime Operations
Korean War, Rangers
The Rescue of Virginia 1
Cold War
U.S. Army Special Operations Command Celebrates 35 Years
Cold War, Special Forces
The Evolution of the USASOC DUI
Cold War, Special Forces
1st Special Operations Command and the Birth of Modern ARSOF
Cold War, Special Forces
U.S. President John F. Kennedy’s Address to the West Point Class of 1962
Cold War, Special Forces
Special Forces Honors John F. Kennedy
Cold War, ARSOF Aviation
Recovering a Cold War Prize
Cold War, Civil Affairs
Providing Shelter for Displaced Civilians in Panama during Operation JUST CAUSE
Cold War, Psyop
Cold War, ARSOF Support
The Special Operations Support Battalion, 1986-1989
Cold War, Civil Affairs
Company D, 96th Civil Affairs Battalion at the Balboa High School Displaced Civilians Facility
Cold War, Civil Affairs
Company A, 96th Civil Affairs Battalion at the Torrijos-Airport Terminal
Cold War, Special Forces
SOUTHCOM Operational Planning
Cold War, ARSOF Support
The 112th Signal Battalion in Panama
Cold War, Special Forces
‘Stop the Radio Nacional Broadcasts’
C/3-7th SFG Ends pro-Noriega Radio Broadcasts during Operation JUST CAUSE
Cold War, Special Forces, ARSOF Aviation
The 617th SOAD and 3rd Battalion, 7th SFG in Panama, 1989–1990
Cold War, Rangers, Psyop
Tactical Loudspeaker Support in Operation JUST CAUSE
Cold War, ARSOF Support
The 528th Support Battalion in Panama
Cold War, Special Forces
A Photo Essay
Cold War, Psyop
U.S. Army Psywar in Laos, Part II
Cold War, Special Forces, Psyop
U.S. Army Special Warfare in Laos, Part I
Cold War, Special Forces
Cold War, Special Forces
Cheap, Practical SF Training in the Post-Vietnam Turmoil
Cold War, Special Forces
10th SFG, Mountain Recovery Operation
Iran 1962
Cold War, Special Forces
The Good ‘Ole’ Days of Special Forces
Marginalized Before JFK
Cold War, Psyop
The 301st Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Group, Part II
Cold War, Psyop
Cold War, Psyop
The 301st Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Group, Part I
Cold War, Psyop
The 5th Loudspeaker and Leaflet Company, 1951-1952
Cold War, Special Forces
Distinctive Identity for the 10th Special Forces Group
Cold War, Special Forces, Psyop
American’s Foreign Legionnaires
The Lodge Act Soldiers - Part II
Cold War, Legacy
American’s Foreign Legionnaires
The Lodge Act Soldiers - Part I
Cold War, Special Forces
Special Forces in Bolivia
Cold War, Special Forces
A Decade of Revolution
Cold War, Special Forces
Social Strife and International Conflict
Cold War, Special Forces
A Short History of Bolivia
Cold War, Special Forces
A False idol for Revolutionaries
Cold War, Special Forces
Che Guevara in Bolivia
Cold War, Special Forces
Cold War, Special Forces
Divided, Attrited, and Trapped
Cold War, Special Forces
Practicing Medicine, and Civic Action in Bolivia
Cold War, Special Forces
The Special Forces Mission to Cochabamba
Bolivia 1967
Cold War, Special Forces
Site Survey and MTT Mission Prep
Cold War, Special Forces
U.S. & Bolivian Order of Battle
Cold War, Special Forces
Cold War, Special Forces
The Training at La Esperanza
Cold War, Special Forces
Che, the Late 1960s, and the Bolovian Mission
Cold War, Special Forces
Building El Salvador’s Airborne
Part I
Cold War, ARSOF Aviation
Cold War, Special Forces
The Attack on El Bosque
Cold War, Special Forces
El Paraiso and the War in El Salvador
Part I (1981–1983)
Cold War, Special Forces
Cold War, Special Forces
A Special Relationship
Cold War, Special Forces
Cold War, Special Forces
The Major Command Structure
Cold War, Special Forces
El Salvador to Colombia and the Formation of the Planning and Assistance Training Teams
Cold War
Colombia’s Main Opposition Groups
Cold War, Special Forces
Evaluation and Execution
Cold War, Special Forces
Cold War, Rangers
Cold War, Special Forces
Plan Colombia and Plan Patriota
The Evolution of Colombia’s National Strategy
Cold War, Special Forces, Legacy
Berlin 1982–1984
Cold War, ARSOF Aviation
Cold War, Special Forces
Los Artefactos Explosivos Improvisados
Improvised Explosive Devices in El Salvador
Cold War, Special Forces
SFLE in Korea
COL James ‘Nick’ Rowe, POW Diary, 1963-1968
Vietnam War, Rangers
The Story of the “Arctic Rangers” of Company O, 75th Infantry Regiment
Vietnam War, Special Forces
Special Forces Heroism during Tet Offensive
Vietnam War, Special Forces
Vietnam War, Civil Affairs, Psyop, ARSOF Support
Aviation, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations Honored in USASOC Memorial Plaza
Vietnam War, Special Forces
Building Generational Relationships
A Unique Special Forces Officers Course
Vietnam War, Psyop
Top U.S. Peace Priority
Vietnam War, Civil Affairs
The 41st Civil Affairs Company in Vietnam, Part II
Vietnam War, Special Forces
Vietnam War, Special Forces, Legacy
Civilian Irregular Defense Group
The First Years: 1961-1967
Vietnam War, Civil Affairs
The 41st Civil Affairs Company in Vietnam, Part I: 1965-1967
Vietnam War, Special Forces
The 77th SFG Missions to South Vietnam
Vietnam War, Special Forces
The Origins of the MIKE Force in Vietnam
Vietnam War, Special Forces
Donald D. Blackburn and the 77th Special Forces Group (Airborne)
Vietnam War, Special Forces
Bull Simons Award, 2009
Vietnam War, Rangers
Vietnamese Rangers and their American Advisors
Vietnam War, Special Forces
The Montagnard Uprising of September 1964
Vietnam War, Special Forces
Special Forces in Vietnam (June-December 1964)
Vietnam War, Special Forces
Vietnam War, Legacy, ARSOF Support
The 528th Quartermaster Battalion in Vietnam
Vietnam War, ARSOF Aviation
The 129th Assault Helicopter Company
Vietnam War, Psyop
Post-Cold War, ARSOF Support
The 528th Support Battalion in Operations DESERT SHIELD & DESERT STORM
Post-Cold War, Psyop
Psychological Operations in Operation UPHOLD DEMOCRACY, 1994-1995
Post-Cold War, Special Forces
From the Yak and Yeti to Port-au-Prince
ODA 155 Trains the Gurkhas
Post-Cold War, Psyop
Post-Cold War, Special Forces, Civil Affairs, Psyop
“If you liked Beirut, you’ll love Mogadishu”
An Introduction to ARSOF in Somalia
Post-Cold War, Rangers, ARSOF Aviation
The Battle of Mogadishu in Popular Culture
Post-Cold War, Special Forces
Batallon Colombia in the Suez and Sinai, 1956-1958, 1982-2006
Post-Cold War, Psyop
Amputee Soccer and Prosthetics
El Salvador Scores National PSYOP Victory
Post-Cold War, Psyop
PSYOP in Operation DESERT SHIELD, Part 1
Post-Cold War, Psyop
“Building the Airplane in Flight”
PSYOP in Operation DESERT SHIELD, Part 2
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Post-9/11, GENERAL
The USASOC History Office in 2023
Post-9/11, GENERAL
What is the Difference?
Post-9/11, GENERAL
Which is the Right Word?
Post-9/11, GENERAL
A Salute to the ARSOF Fallen of the Post-9/11 Era
‘Without Equal’
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Strengthening the U.S.-Japan Partnership
Post-9/11, ARSOF Aviation
Helicopter Recovery at Takur Ghar
Post-9/11, Special Forces
A History of Army Special Operations Diver Badges
Post-9/11, Psyop
PSYOP and LRA Defection in 2012
Post-9/11, Psyop
PSYOP and LRA Defection in 2012
Post-9/11, Special Forces, Civil Affairs, Psyop, Rangers
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Peerless Professional, Patriot
Post-9/11, Special Forces, Civil Affairs, Psyop, Rangers
“This Vest May Save Your Life!”
U.S. Army Body Armor from WWII to Present
Post-9/11, ARSOF Aviation
Making Night Stalkers, Part II
Post-9/11, ARSOF Aviation
Making Night Stalkers, Part I
Post-9/11, ARSOF Aviation
“The First Step in Night Stalking”
A History of U.S. Army Special Operations Aviation Training
Post-9/11, Special Forces
A Brief Look at U.S. Army Standard Service Rifles and Squad Automatic Weapons since WWII
Post-9/11, Psyop
Operación JAQUE
Post-9/11, Psyop
Language, Culture, and the Colombian Military
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Setting Conditions for Operación JAQUE
Post-9/11, ARSOF Support
Special Operations Resuscitation Teams in Operation OBSERVANT COMPASS
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Post-9/11, ARSOF Aviation
Taking the ‘Bad Guy’ off the Battlefield without Black Helicopters
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Exercise VAJRA PRAHAR 2011
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Activating 4th Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne)
Post-9/11, Psyop
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Post-9/11, ARSOF Aviation
Braving Fire Ambushes in Afghanistan
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Village Stability Operations
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Creating a CJSOTF-A Headquarters in Afghanistan
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan
A Short History, 2002-2014
Post-9/11, Special Forces, Civil Affairs, Psyop
The U.S. Army Cultural Support Team Program
Historical Timeline
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Addition to the U.S. Army Special Operations Command Memorial Plaza
Post-9/11, Civil Affairs
Rescue in Jérémie
Post-9/11, Special Forces, Civil Affairs, Psyop
Army Special Operations Forces in Deh Rawod, Afghanistan
Post-9/11, ARSOF Aviation
160th SOAR in Combat in Iraq
Post-9/11, ARSOF Support
The Special Operations Resuscitation Team in Afghanistan
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Fighting Through the “Fog of War”
The Battle of An Najaf, Part II
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Fighting Through the "Fog of War"
The Battle of An Najaf, Part I
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Task Force 31 Returns to the Panjwayi
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Regaining Control of Afghanistan’s Panjwayi Valley
Post-9/11, ARSOF Support
LTF 530 in Support of TF Dagger
Post-9/11, Civil Affairs
95th Civil Affairs Brigade (Airborne)
Post-9/11, Psyop
Post-9/11, Civil Affairs
Post-9/11, Special Forces
AOB 740 in Colombia
Post-9/11, Special Forces
“Who taught these guys to shoot like Chuck Norris?”
ODA 746 in Tolemaida
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Plan Colombia and Plan Patriota
The Evolution of Colombia’s National Strategy
Post-9/11, Special Forces
“There is a Word I Need to Learn”
ODA 741 and Colombian National Police Training at Espinal
Post-9/11, Special Forces
ODA 753 and the CERTE
Colombia’s Main Opposition Groups
IEDs in Colombia
Post-9/11, Special Forces
A “Total Force” Success Story
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Everyone Can Take Pride in This Fight
ODA 163 in Afghanistan
Post-9/11, ARSOF Support
Logistical Support to Task Force Viking
Task Force Support in Northern Iraq
Post-9/11, Civil Affairs
Setting up Civil Affairs in Gardez, Afghanistan
Post-9/11, ARSOF Aviation
Night Stalkers in the Philippines
Tragedy and Triumph in Balikatan 02-1
Post-9/11, Rangers
Post-9/11, Rangers
3/75th Rangers in Iraq
Post-9/11, ARSOF Aviation
Little Bird Support at Hadithah Dam
Post-9/11, ARSOF Support
Combat Service Support in Northern Iraq
Post-9/11, ARSOF Support
The 528th Special Operations Support Battalion
Post-9/11, Psyop
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Post-9/11, Civil Affairs
The 422 CA Battalon in OIF
Post-9/11, Psyop
Post-9/11, Special Forces
ODA 744 in Afghanistan
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Factors Affecting ARSOF Preparation for Operation Iraqi Freedom
Post-9/11, ARSOF Support
Providing Signal Support in Kuwait
Post-9/11, ARSOF Support
Honoring the Silent Professionals of Special Operations Aviation
Post-9/11, Rangers
Flash to Bang Time—Twenty-two Hours
The 2nd Ranger Battalion’s Assault on the Rawah Terrorist Camp
Post-9/11, Special Forces
This is What You Signed Up For
The Attack on Ayn Sifni
Post-9/11, Civil Affairs
Civil Affairs in Action
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Working with the Free Iraqi Fighters
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Post-9/11, Psyop
Tactical PSYOP in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Post-9/11, Rangers
Post-9/11, Rangers
Armor in Support of Special Operations
Post-9/11, Special Forces
3/10 SFG against the Ansar Al-Islam
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Getting There is Half the Battle
Operation UGLY BABY
Post-9/11, Rangers, ARSOF Support
The Search for the Elusive Smoking Gun
Post-9/11, Psyop
Psychological Operations in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM
Post-9/11, Special Forces
A/1/19th SFG in Iraq
Post-9/11, Special Forces
Post-9/11, ARSOF Support
A Brief History of the 389th Military Intelligence Battalion (Airborne)